
Burry Port Community Primary School 'Guiding Brighter Futures' 'Arwain at Ddyfodol Disglair'


Welcome to Burry Port Community Primary School 'Guiding Brighter Futures' 'Arwain at Ddyfodol Disglair'

Playground Peacemakers

Playground Peacemakers




Welcome to our Playground Peacemakers page. 


We are proud of our strong Pupil voice at Burry Port and the support that our older pupils are able to offer our younger pupils right across the school.  As part of their role Playground Peacemakers visit all yards, including the Nursery/Reception and Year 1 and 2 areas at different times of the day.     


The Peacemakers' role is linked closely to various children's rights, including -

Article 31 - The right to relax and play.

Article 29 - The right to  learn how to live peacefully and how to respect other people.

Article 12 - The right to be listened to.


Our Peacemakers work hard as a team to ensure that all the children at Burry Port are able to exercise their right to relax and play at playtime so that we can all enjoy a happy, safe and peaceful playtime. 


Playground Peacemakers use their communication skills and problem solving training to help pupils make good decisions and resolve problems or misunderstandings peacefully.   The playground charter helps them remind everyone of the rights we have and how best we can all respect these.



Please come back and visit our page regulalry for updates about how we are using our skills.
