
Burry Port Community Primary School 'Guiding Brighter Futures' 'Arwain at Ddyfodol Disglair'


Welcome to Burry Port Community Primary School 'Guiding Brighter Futures' 'Arwain at Ddyfodol Disglair'

Year 5

Croeso i ein ddosbarth Blwyddyn 5:




Welcome to our Year 5 class: 






We would like to wish you a very warm welcome to our class page and hope that you can support us in our learning in order to 'aim for the moon' and to achieve so much in 2022-23!



Our theme for this term is:




During this theme, our enquiry will focus on the following questions....


'How has our locality evolved into the community we have today?'

'How can our local environment be improved?'


Whilst engaging in our enquiries, we will study various geographical aspects such as ...


physical features

weather and climate






Pupils will study OS maps of the locality, and use keys and symbols to help locate physical and man-made features. 


We will also be taking pupils around the locality to study the above, including shops, places of worship, leisure facilities etc., and to identify how our locality can be improved.


Then we'll be sharing our ideas with Burry Port Town Council!


Overview of learning this term:




And also as part of our studies will be the .....




During this project, we will be developing our pupil’s entrepreneurial skills as we prepare for our Summer Fair.


The challenge is to collaborate within a group to create a business that would sell a product or service, and to think about how to start this with just £5.


Step 1: Think it!

Step 2: Research it!

Step 3: Plan it!

Step 4: Pitch it!




Everyone in our class is a member of our 

Google classroom


Our messages are shared in the 'stream' and any home learning activities and ways to help with your learning are shared in classwork.

Please visit Google Classroom to keep up to date with homework and some of our learning.


The health, well-being and fitness of our pupils is extremely important to us. We aim to get our pupils out and about and as active as possible! 



Our official PE sessions are on a Tuesday and a Thursday.



On our PE days, we expect pupils to bring appropriate PE clothing to school. This should consist of...

- trainers

- T-shirt

- tracksuit trousers or shorts

- tracksuit top or hoodie


Pupils will then be expected to change back into their school uniform for the remainder of the school day.

For safety reasons, any jewellery must be removed, and long hair should be tied back.








We are a Rights Respecting school and follow the UNCRC through our class charter we have created together. We believe these articles are a high priority for us to focus on in order to achieve our rights and follow our responsibilities. 





We have been very busy building our learning habits in order to become better learners and unlock our own potential. We love to be challenged and pushed out of our comfort zone as that is when real learning takes place.




We encourage perseverance and the use of our stuck strategies when we find things difficult. We develop grit and determination to succeed in all that we do. In our class, we don't 'try' - we just 'do'!  



We understand that everyone has a vital part to play in achieving a shared goal. We share out job tasks during group work, treat each other fairly and value everyone's ideas and opinions as we are all as important as each other. 



We encourage curiosity in our class and love to ask 'big' questions. We enjoy using the thinking dice to promote thinking, formulate higher order questions and challenge the thinking of others. 



 Being a good listener is vital to our pupils becoming effective learners, both socially and academically. We promote 3 basic rules of good listening - posture, facing the speaker, and no fidgeting; and encourage our pupils to identify what type of listening they are showing - ignoring, pretending, selective, attentive or empathetic.



We develop our imagining skills by writing descriptive story settings, working as detectives to analyse clues and draw character profiles. Creativity is key!



Developing problem solving, lateral thinking and reasoning are a key focus throughout each term. We enjoy tackling puzzles and investigations and are learning to clarify our thinking, justify our opinions and counter argue.





 Our class representatives are: 


School Council

Lily and Theo


Class Councillors

Lola-Rose and Jac


Eco Councillors

April and Leo


Criw Cymraeg  

Deena and Olivia


Digital Leaders 

Chloe, Dilaan, Millie and Finnley


Rights Ambassadors 

Anika and Anthony


Healthy Schools 

Madison and Megan


Sports Ambassadors 

Emily, Monty, Aubrey and Gabrielis 


Site Managers 

Millie and Charlie 

